Published Research
How do organizations adopt new technologies?
Feller, G. (2023). Eternity in the ether: A Mormon media history. (University of Illinois Press).
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
Feller, G., & Burroughs, B. (2022). Branding kidfluencers: Regulating content and advertising on YouTube. Television & New Media 23(6), 575–592.
Burroughs, B. & Feller, G. (2021). “Child-created content and the media industries” In Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children edited by Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie Stevenson, Tama Leaver and Leslie Haddon, p. 217-225.
Feller, G. (2021). Discipline to display, conceal to reveal: Television, swimsuits, and Mormonism in 1950s America. American Academy of Religion 89(4), 1406-1433.
Church, S. & Feller, G. (2021). “Internet memes as remixes: Simpsons memes and the swarm archive” In Routledge Handbook of Remix Studies and Digital Humanities edited by Owen Gallagher, Eduardo Naves and xtine burroughs.
Church, S. & Feller, G. (2020). Synecdoche, aesthetics, and the sublime online: Or, what’s a religious internet meme? Journal of Media and Religion 19(1), 12-23.
Feller, G. (2018). Communing with compromise: Mormonism and the early Internet. Mormon Studies Review, 5, 67-72.
Feller, G. (2018). Portable power, religious swag: Mediating authority in Brazilian Neo-Pentecostalism. Material Religion. DOI: 10.1080/17432200.2018.1488506
Feller, G. (2018). Uncanny and doubly liminal: Social media, cross-cultural reentry, and LDS/Mormon missionary religious identity. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 7(1), 7-28
Book Reviews & Other Publications
Feller, G. The Power of Godliness: Mormon liturgy and cosmology by Jonathan Stapley. American Academy of Religion: ‘Reading Religion’ (online).
Peters, J. D. & Feller, G. Sensational movies: Video, vision, and Christianity in Ghana by Birgit Meyer. AnthroCyBib: The Anthropology of Christianity Bibliography Blog (online).
Feller, G. (2017, February 13). Kicking the Saint and Why Material Religion Matters. Religion Going Public [Academic blog].